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We’re here for you online

Dear residents,

Due to the coronavirus outbreak, and because we want to prevent physical contact between people as far as possible, we’ve closed our public service center.
As a result, wait times on phone calls may also be longer.
Instead, why not enjoy the fast and efficient turnaround times for online services.
Make payments, check issues, and clarify your status by connecting to your personal area on our Mei Avivim website, using Messenger, chat or WhatsApp.


For issues relating to permits and licensing, call 073-2301310 or by email:
Form 4 enquiries, contact
For water and sewage connections and engineering coordination:
For other issues related to permits and licensing:

Set-up Fee

The setup fee can be paid through bank transfer to:
Bank Mizrahi, bank number 20, branch number  421, account number 672962.
Alternately, you can pay with a check attached to a voucher and add your contact details, including phone number, email address, and postal address. Place your check and attached information in the Setup Fee Mailbox on Floor 0 of Mei Avivim’s offices at 37 Sderot Hamelech Shaul, Tel Aviv.

Please help us continue providing you with nonstop service despite the current difficulties.

With best wishes for your good health,

Mei Avivim

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